Joy Electric

October 12, 2005 § 4 Comments

A thousand curses upon the heads of the people at Apple! How dare they intentionally prey upon my weaknesses. Blast them for reading my mind!

Folks, the people at Apple have done it again, they have released the iPod video. And with today’s release I again return to the lower ranks of coolness. No longer am I the envied owner of the latest techno-gadget… I am… obsolete. I am “behind the times.” I am… there aren’t words. No words to describe my sudden fall from the upper echelons of of the “haves” to the dismal depths of the “have-nots.” Only tears.

What is it about gadgets that gets me? Why am I so enamored with technology? (long pause) No really, I’m asking. It wasn’t a rhetorical question. Obviously, with my sinful nature comes a certain lusting (and yes, I used the word lusting) after the “things of this world.” But… I mean, come on! Money…I’ve got enough. Clothes…whatever. But gadgets…bring ‘em on!

I try not to rationalize things. I think I am at least as self-controlled as the next guy, but when it comes to technology I am a sucker. I can fashion any sort of reason or excuse to make it “clear” why I am in desperate need of any item that requires electricity. Now, pair my want for all things electronic with my obsessive distaste for carrying ANYTHING around in my pockets and you see that my conflicting desires render my obsession with gadgets completely ludicrous. In order to horde the coveted wealth of all of these items I would be forced to carry a “man purse,” thus destroying all edge I’ve achieved by possessing said items. Oh, the vicious cycle!

Anyway, needless to say, I am thrilled by Apple’s genius and crushed by my own weakness.

§ 4 Responses to Joy Electric

  • Josh and Cammie Delph says:

    Josh joins you with every fiber in his being.

  • Josh Garlow says:

    SadFest 05 is happening in my soul right now because I don’t have one yesterday. Forget the fact that it would be physically impossible for me to actually have one this quickly, even if money was no object. They don’t have 2 hour shipping.

  • Jenn Swift says:

    You had gone ahead and bought the nano 5 weeks before the release of the video-photo-endless-playlist-plus-the-kitchen-sink iPod, did you? I completely understand. I watched Steve Jobbs presentation of all the new products and, well, I’m just glad no one was around to see the drool. It was embarassing. It’s a bit frustrating, too, that the latest iPod has more power than my mac laptop. Unbelievable. And again I say… unbelievable.

  • the benwahs says:

    Jen, good to hear from you! Actually, I eascpaed the nano pitfall. Luckily, I have a wife who does not often share my obsession with the “impulse buy.” Still…the video iPod…it will be mine.


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